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Release notes

Release notes

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May 25, 2015

Released Sitecore Azure 8.0 rev. 150522.

Tested with Sitecore 8.0 rev. 150427.


Sitecore Azure 8.0 requires Azure SDK 2.5.1 and Sitecore® Experience Platform™ 8.0. 

Change log:

New features:

  • Additional support for deploying Sitecore 8.0
  • Additional support for using the Azure 2.5.1 SDK
  • Additional support for the new publishing settings schema


  • There is now a drop-down menu so you can select the SQL Server Tier in the Content Editor
  • You can now select VM size from the drop-down menu in New Deployment dialog in the Azure module UI
  • The UI has been changed to make it better match the style of Sitecore Experience Platform 8.0

Resolved issues:

  • AzureInRoleCacheSessionStateProvider now supports both Private and Shared session states. (435578)
  • An error occurred when attempting to request the Environment File. This has been fixed. (434974)
  • Deploying to Local Emulator failed to initiate in Sitecore Azure 7.5. This has been fixed in Sitecore Azure 8.0. (426308)

Known issues

  • Upgrade issue with Sitecore 8.0 Update-3

Sitecore Azure 8.0 upgrade installation fails with Sitecore 8.0 Update 3, below is the workaround for upgrading

  • In Web.config file, configuration/configSections node, add following line:

    <section name="sitecorediff" type="Sitecore.Update.Configuration.ConfigReader, Sitecore.Update"/>

  • After configuration/configSections node, add following line:


  • Storage limitations

Windows Azure Cloud Services has some limitations on the app drive. For a Sitecore deployment, this means the App drive free space is limited to static files of no more than:

  • 360MB on Content Delivery deployments
  • 150MB on Content Editing deployments

This is more than enough in most single sites if larger media files are not deployed as physical files.

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