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Release Notes

August 2017 – released Sitecore Email Experience Manager 3.5 (rev. 170810)

This a feature release. Sitecore recommends that you upgrade to this release if it includes features that meet the specific needs of your organization. This release contains significant new feature functionality, and we encourage you to evaluate it.


  • PaaS Support for Azure
  • Reporting dashboard improvements
  • Invalid recipient reporting and handling
  • Custom tokens are available within API
  • Message List and Performance Enhancements
  • Time Format has been standardized
  • Improved click handler support for multi-site and multi-language
  • 80+ bug fixes

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
Email validation and URL validation is now done consistently across EXM by the new email and url RegEx validators. You can configure the new emailRegexValidator and urlRegexValidator settings in the Sitecore.EmailExperience.Core.config file.128001
A link to a more detailed report has been added to the Reporting Overview page.129857
You can now use the client API to specify custom tokens. You can, for example, send automated messages with custom tokens.101226
The ECM Users and ECM Advanced Users roles have been renamed to EXM Users and EXM Advanced Users.113316
The Insert Token dialog has been improved.35926
The Subscription message type has been removed.127021
The One-time and Triggered message types have been renamed to Regular and Automated.134938
The reporting lists can now be sorted.130413
It is now possible to use the new EXM.RendererUrl setting to configure the RendererUrl.58565
You can now replace the default recipient manager.138165
The UI of the Attachments dialogs has been improved.135748
The Confirmation dialog is broken when the recipients list is empty.133005
Internal EXM endpoints have been made secure.137475
A new list has been added that shows the recipients which EXM failed to dispatch to for a specific campaign.143091
We now support segmented lists with empty emails.121702
Improved support for cross site links in EXM messages. To support more complex scenarios than Manager Roots alone allow, a new global repository of Hostname Mapping items has been added. This is shared across Manager Roots and defines extra mappings of Server URLs to Preview and Public URLs.131797
A new EXM.TasksPath setting has been added that allows you to specify where task items are stored.58669
EXM no longer requires any of the files that are stored in the /sitecore folder on a CD server.137496
EXM no longer stores files in the /sitecore folder on a CD server.137496
You no longer need to be logged in to render the message body. A new setting, Renderer User, has been added to the Manager Root, that allows the Context User to be changed for editing, previewing, delivering, and viewing online.143210
If a campaign failed to send email to some recipients, for example, because the email address could not be validated, the message will now move to the Sent state rather than the Paused state.143091
A new EXM site has been added to the sites that allows EXM to control, for example, caching.149998
All dates and times are now displayed in UTC.139423
Dates and times are now consistent across all of EXM. Dates and times now respect the Sitecore configuration settings and the culture preferences of the logged in user.162461
The Sitecore Email Cloud configuration defaults have been updated.150892
Time and timezone have been added to the message info panel.70397
Message lists now use aggregated data and this improves the time it takes to load them. As a side effect the data is not shown in real-time.138406
The complete DKIM record is now shown for a sending domain.143196
The email-opened tracking image element now has an alt attribute.152082
When you run Email Preview or Spam Check, the changes are now saved automatically.150291
DKIM is now verified automatically.158140
A Failed Recipients card has been added to the campaign report.154598
On the dashboard, the Recipient activity pie chart has been replaced with Sent and Delivered data.159062
The icons have been removed from the Landing pages report card.159069
The UI of the Domain details dialog has been improved.159524
If there is an error in the RedirectUrl pipeline, the click handler now redirects to the original link.167575
HTTP headers are now set for the tracking pixel.166436

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
On the Landing Page Performance tab, in the Landing pages section, the links in the events list open in the same window.129831
The web database that the SaveTouchPointRecord pipeline processor uses is hardcoded.120027
Some items do not have localizable titles.130649
When you preview a message with a large message body, scroll bars are displayed.127837
In reports, quarterly trends are not rounded to whole numbers.131573
Some texts in the UI are not displayed correctly in non-English languages.130647
In a message list, the delete button is active even when no message is selected.127483
External links are not HTML decoded.125487, 129858
On the Recipient Activity tab, in the Open and click rates list, the values in the Event and Landing pages columns are not searchable.129867
Location is not searchable on the Value and engagement tab.129870
The text on the Subscription page is inconsistent with the rest of EXM.130897
In the Experience Editor, the Add here button does not work in IE.130703
The Save button does not always become active when a user edits the content of a text box.35875
The Time of day list does not contain Sunday.136473
The subject of a message is not saved if the Set Page Title rendering is not present.135248
The cursor jumps to end of the search field when you press a key.135568
Message Context contains inconsistent property names.134773
The Subscription Sublayout Parameters template does not find Manager Roots that are not stored under the Home item.130653
Token values that contain a known token key cause an infinite loop.135571
It is not possible to specify multiple notification emails.35947
The Message body collapses when a scheduled campaign delivery is cancelled.137200
In reports, the Landing page value displays a query string and/or an absolute page path.136224
Incorrect recipient numbers are logged when some recipients are skipped.138331
Links do not work when an anonymous user doesn’t have read access to the item.137204
Dates in the past are available in the date pickers.35968
On the Review tab, the Preview and Spam Check buttons are enabled after a campaign has been sent.139127
The Confirmation dialog is broken when the recipients list is empty.139223
Clicks on external and internal links in the online version of an email are not registered.142256
The reporting data about landing pages is missing sometimes.145853
The Subscription Confirmation redirect link is broken.146550
In the EXM dashboard, in the Value and visits report, Month is defined incorrectly.147037
Url redirection is case sensitive.148502
Email Preview and the Spam Check do not work for Automated email campaigns.144283
In the Content Editor, the Open Manager Root button is not visible.150904
During Bounce and Spam synchronization with the Sitecore Email Cloud provider, exceptions appear in the EDS log on the Dispatching role.144906
EXM loads css files with an exclusive lock.151158
An Email Test Definition is created every time an AB test is scheduled.145784
An incorrect error message appears if you save the default settings when the email field is empty.144172
Images are counted as clicks when EmbedImages is disabled, or the image is external.151478
Aggregation dimensions mark an interaction as a click even when there is no click event in the interaction.152144
The Redirect handler adds the EXM custom values for duplicate interactions.152130
In EXM, in the Create menu, in the Create List column, the Recipient list from file and Empty recipient list commands do not work.145793
The website\images\1x1.gif image is accessed during dispatch, and often causes an IO exception to be thrown.146738
If a link is clicked very quickly, a SQL deadlock can occur.153848
Dispatch hangs if a requested resource is not found.152028
The domain of the notification email is not validated properly by the email cloud provider.144286
CustomPersonTokens are not thread safe.151324
Bounce times are not aligned with the other time related reporting data.144608
The comparison of EcmId is case-sensitive.151629
Marketing campaign items created for Email campaigns contain an invalid default value.150068
In IE 11, a modal dialog in the message body cannot be reopened.155407
In the reports, bounced and unsubscribed percentage rates are displayed in green and not red, if there is an increase.159059
The From name and email are not allowed to exceed 254 characters.42522
From name is not encoded correctly.155609
The recipient counter changes if a segmented list is added to an email campaign, and the page is refreshed.150067
The Sending Disabled message is not shown when the No Send setting is enabled.37998
The Exclude from reports setting doesn't exclude campaigns that contain registered click events.149688
When a user subscribes to the same list twice in a row, an exception is thrown.144263
The ReviewHistoryWatcher rendering does not work.146748
An odd character is added to the name of a new variant of an email campaign.149609
An exception is thrown when scheduling an email campaign whose name contains more than 91 characters.145071
Countries are not displayed on the Location card report.126494
Preview does not show the selected recipient.60398
The Anchor property is stripped from links.151495
The Most Engaging tab has been added to the Top Campaigns card in the reporting dashboard.159072
Token are not replaced in service messages.161617
In the Add Attachment dialog, an image that is attached to a message is displayed as broken image.58716
Email Preview and Spam Check do not return any results if you do not specify an Include list.139651
SQL deadlocks can occur during large dispatches.161988
When you click a menu item, a recipient count request is sent to List Manager.161682
Service campaigns are not shown in the Automated campaigns list.154534
Links in simple HTML campaigns are not transformed correctly.161647
The EXM log files do not display all the expected information about roles.145668
Special characters are not allowed in the From email.161584
An OutOfMemoryError occurs on the Solr server during queuing.161033
The thumbnail is missing on the General tab.161624
Links in messages are always opened in English.165440
The RegisterEmailOpened.aspx page is added to the statistics.163761
Port 25 is added to mailto hyperlinks.166207
The RedirectUrlPage.aspx page is added to the statistics.163737
External images/links are sent as .ashx attachments if Embed Images is enabled on the Manager Root.161609
If an error occurs when tracking a session, it can cause problems during aggregation.164853
Page URLs defined on the Manager Root, such as Final Confirmation Page, are sometimes resolved incorrectly.177536

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